use HTML::Feature; my $feature = HTML::Feature->new( engine => 'TsubuanLike' ); my $result = $feature->parse(shift); unless ($result->{success}) { $result->{element} # root } $result->{element} # HTML::Element $result->{html} # HTML strings $result->{text} # default attributes: 'text', 'description' and 'title'
package HTML::Feature::Engine::TsubuanLike; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(HTML::Feature::Engine); use HTML::TreeBuilder; sub run { my $self = shift; my $c = shift; $self->_tag_cleaning($c); $self->_score($c); return $self; } # this method is from HTML::Feature::Engine::TagStructure sub _tag_cleaning { my $self = shift; my $c = shift; return unless $c->{html}; # preprocessing $c->{html} =~ s{<!-.*?->}{}xmsg; $c->{html} =~ s{<script[^>]*>.*?<\/script>}{}xmgs; $c->{html} =~ s{ }{ }xmg; $c->{html} =~ s{"}{\'}xmg; $c->{html} =~ s{\r\n}{\n}xmg; $c->{html} =~ s{^\s*(.+)$}{$1}xmg; $c->{html} =~ s{^\t*(.+)$}{$1}xmg; # control code ( 0x00 - 0x1F, and 0x7F on ascii) for ( 0 .. 31 ) { my $control_code = '\x' . sprintf( "%x", $_ ); $c->{html} =~ s{$control_code}{}xmg; } $c->{html} =~ s{\x7f}{}xmg; } sub _score { my $self = shift; my $c = shift; my $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new; $root->parse( $c->{html} ); if (my $title = $root->find("title")) { $self->{title} = $title->as_text; } if (my $desc = $root->look_down( _tag => 'meta', name => 'description' )) { my $string = $desc->attr('content'); $string =~ s{<br>}{}xms; $self->{desc} = $string; } my @tsubuan_score = grep { ($self->_tag_text_frac($_) > 0) && ($self->_tag_text_frac($_) < 0.1) } $root->descendants; my $target; if (@tsubuan_score) { @tsubuan_score = sort { length($b->as_text) <=> length($a->as_text) } @tsubuan_score; $self->{success} = 1; $target = $tsubuan_score[0]; } else { $self->{success} = 0; $target = $root; } $self->{html} = $target->as_HTML; $self->{text} = $target->as_text; $self->{element} = $target; delete $self->{tag_text_frac}; if ( $c->{enc_type} ) { map { Encode::encode( $c->{enc_type}, $self->{$_} ) } qw/title desc text html/; } } sub _tag_text_frac { my ($self, $elem) = @_; unless ($self->{tag_text_frac}) { $self->{tag_text_frac} = {}; } unless (defined($self->{tag_text_frac}->{$elem->idf})) { my $text = $elem->as_text; my @objs = $elem->descendants; $self->{tag_text_frac}->{$elem->idf} = (@objs * 2) / (length($text) + 1); } return $self->{tag_text_frac}->{$elem->idf}; } 1;